in Reviews

A musical force to be reckoned with

by Fiona Talkington

"With Turmio Okra Playground have swept on to Finland’s folk music scene with a distinctive celebration of Finnish traditions and stories driven by captivating energy and passion and an obvious historical perspective."

With Turmio Okra Playground have swept on to Finland’s folk music scene with a distinctive celebration of Finnish traditions and stories driven by captivating energy and passion and an obvious historical perspective.

Their sound finds a heritage in the great work of Värttinä: a deep sense of narrative led by exquisite vocal lines ranging from the gentlest whisper to scary directness. With their enormous sensitivity and creative approach to instrumentation they are a musical force to be reckoned with. Jouhikko, kantele and accordion sit alongside contemporary percussion, keyboard and pulsing bass in magical textures with an admirable sense of space, swirling harmonies and hypnotic rhythms.

Many bands smother traditional music with an uncomfortable explosion of drums, bass and over-production but Okra Playground have rewritten the rules of how to be at the forefront of contemporary world music while remaining true to their roots. This album alone makes them true ambassadors for Finnish music.

Okra Playground Digikansi Pieni  Kopio